Certificate of conformity TR CU 012/2011 «About safety of equipment for operation in hazardous areas» for the Complex of equipment of the mobile drilling rig ARS-250, unit АРС-250, pdf Declaration of conformity TR CU 010/2011 «About safety of machines and equipment» for drilling and geological prospecting equipment: crown-block 01987124, pdf Certificate of conformity TR CU 012/2011 «About safety of equipment for operation in hazardous areas» for the Complex of equipment of the mobile drilling rig ARS-225, pdf Certificate of conformity TR CU 010/2011 «About safety of machines and equipment» Snow-and-swamp-going vehicles, snow-going vehicles and trailer for them: Snow-and-swamp-going vehicles «Svityaz», type SV, versions: SV 5-150, SV-10/180, SV-20/150, SV-30/120М, SV-30/120Н, SV-30/150М, SV-30/150МТ, SV-30/150, SV-40/150Н, pdf Certificate of conformity TR CU 010/2011 "On safety of machinery and equipment" Hydraulic Stand SGI-320, pdf VTA Mobile block of petroleum products, pdf VTA MEU-3A, MEU-2A, pdf Certificate of conformity TR CU 010/2011 "On safety of machinery and equipment" Mobile power units, MEU type, pdf Certificate of conformity TR CU 010/2011"On safety of machinery and equipment" Echelon for mobile drilling rig ARS type, pdf Declaration of conformity TR CU 010/2011 "On safety of machinery and equipment" Chemical equipment: horizontal steel tanks RGS type, with tank capacity from 1 m3 to 100 m3; vertical steel tanks of the RVS type, with tank capacity from 1 m3 to 100 m3, pdf Declaration of conformity TR CU 010/2011 "On safety of machinery and equipment" Pumping equipment: pump unit based on a mud pump 12T1600, pdf Declaration of conformity TR CU 010/2011 "On safety of machinery and equipment" for the product "Mobile block of petroleum products", pdf